when our outer world becomes too busy,
may we imagine that a gentle butterfly is landing upon our hand
so our world then can become soft
and simple
and still.
Dear one,
I am taking this week off. I am camping with my family.
We are stepping away from the Do-ing and stepping more into just Be-ing.
Maybe I could invite you to step away from the Do-ing this week and maybe, for just a few moments, you can just BE.
What would that look like for you?
What would you do?
What would you not do?
Maybe you could do something this week that invites a feeling of Softness into your life? Soft…Could you reach out and find something soft to touch? Can you listen to soft music or sounds? Maybe you can you talk more softly to yourself? To another?What does doing something soft look like, and feel like for you?
And what about doing something Simple…a simple task that you love to do. A simple action that when you do it it makes you feel at ease and alive. What about living simply - what would that look like for you? What would be one thing you could do this week that could make your life more simple?
And finally, what can you do this week to create a sense of stillness in your life? Can you gaze out the window and look into the nothing and everything of life and feel still? What does your physical body, emotional being and mental being need this week to feel still?
As you know my publication is called Soft. Simple. Still.
I believe we can all create a soft, simple, still life for ourselves, for our family and for the 7th generation to come. Sometimes though we just need a gentle reminder.
I look forward to reading, on my return, what you did that helped you create a soft, simple, still life this week.
Until then,
Blessed be.
Enjoy your camping 🏕️ vacation, Sam!!!! 💕
Sending you blessings for a peaceful, magical, soul-filling, connective camping trip!💖