May this New Year gift you with sunshine and rainbows
May this New Year gift you with abundance and health
May this New Year gift you with true friendships and love
And may this New Year gift you
with all the support you need
when the clouds of doubt,
worry and fear
overcome you
and lay heavy upon your heart.
In honour of all that you are.
Hello Dear One,
Welcome to the New Year.
Welcome to a new calendar year.
New Year.
New Year celebrations.
New Year resolutions.
New Year plans and hope and dreams.
So I wonder, What does The New Year mean to you?
Is it important to you?
Is the New Year something that you celebrate?
Or is it something that you are happy to let fall away into the ether, into the black abyss of nothingness?
Is the New Year something tangible for you or is it just an illusion or just a societal expectation?
Or maybe you see the New Year as a Threshold -
a line between one place and another.
If you could imagine that you were crossing a Threshold as one year finishes and another begins, how would you step over that threshold?
What would it look like? Where would it take you?
I wonder, as you cross, do you hesitate or are you eager to step over it?
I wonder as you cross do you pause with one foot on either side for moments of reflection and contemplation?
Or maybe there is something that is driving you forward?
Or keeping you back?
And then when you do cross that liminal line,
that threshold
what do you take with you?
and what do you leave behind?
On New Years Eve I journeyed.
I was flower rooted and grounded in the earth.
I was a flower that had risen up to the sunshine and was
I was a flower that OPENED at the RIGHT TIME
for the Bee to come and see my colours,
smell my scent
and savour my pollen.
The sound of its wings was sacred music to my ears
The sound of its wings was a new vibration for my energy
The sound of its wings was a Remembering of something deeper, older, more real, and deeply deeply tangible.
And then the Bee invited the Butterflies.
They saw my colour
They saw my pollen
They saw how ready I was for them to come and share some of me into their wider magnificent worlds.
And then the Butterflies
invited the Birds.
I woke feeling so open, so refreshed, so ALIVE
So prepared for something IMPORTANT
Something very real and tangible and,
That was my introduction into the New Year.
So, I crossed over an invisible threshold in that journey.
A threshold that implied that I am READY. I am OPEN. I have what the Bees and Butterflies and Birds need and that they are coming to share what I have to offer.
I ask myself though,
What does my heart need most in 2024 to keep the resonance of that journey alive?
I believe that each of us hold all the answers we will ever need
The wisdom and knowledge we will ever wish to know,
Sometimes though we get caught up in life
In the stresses and anxieties of just living;
In the comparisons and expectations
In low self esteem and lack of self worth
In ancestral duty and family responsibilities,
And sometimes we get caught up in work and study and just
just stuff,
And in all of that and more we sometimes loose sight of who we are and what is important for our heart, our soul and our mind.
My dear one,
I am holding a 21 day meditation series where each day for 21 days I will ask you that exact question.
So, I invite you to join me for profound healing and self awareness
for profound wisdom and self care
for profound self realisation and self expansion.
Are you ready to listen to the language of your heart?
Are you ready to hear its sacred stories?
Are you ready to know, that you have all the answers you need?
Join me my dear friend
as we ask ourselves
5:30am AEDT
In honour of the flower you are
And the beautiful bees and butterflies and birds that empower and encourage you to be who you are meant to be.
Much love,
ps/ I would be so happy if you could pass this on to all your friends and community. I have a vision that if we all paused for 21 days and asked ourselves WHAT DOES MY HEART NEED MOST IN 2024? what we end up doing in 2024 maybe quite different to what we thought we ought to be doing.
Imagine the vibration that would occur as a result of that.
I do hope you will join me.
All my writings are Free. However you may like to support me by becoming a FINANCIAL PATRON. As a Financial Patron you are sending me a very strong message that you acknowledge and value my time, and the energy that is required to write these healing posts, stories and meditations for you. Your contribution ensures that my flower continually grows.
So beautiful .. these words are like honey to the soul .. sweet and nourishing. I was drawn over the threshold in a very different manner than is usual for me. There is a powerful attraction force at work pulling me into this year. I filled with light, excitement, joy and anticipation as to what will transpire.
In HD terms I discovered yesterday that my 65th birthday falls on a significant day in April in the solar eclipse.. I will re listen to Karen Curry Parkers YouTube as there was much to take in.
I am looking forward to 65 adventurous steps out of my comfort zone this year with creative ideas swirling around my mind to bring to fruition at the right moment.
What does my heart need this year .. it seeks to be true to myself, my values and my purpose. It seeks to be cherished by me and others.
Gorgeous journey, Sam! Thank you so much for sharing it! ❤️🤗 I love that your journey brought you to blossoming, to expanding life and pollination, while I am going ever deeper into the winter cave on this side of our mother. It brings me such joy to know we are both holding these ends of the life spectrum for one another.