What a wonderful weaving of words, story and wisdom. I’m in awe with the journey and simplicity of this weaving.

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Thank you so much for these beautiful words. Bless you. They have made my heart soar.

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Wow Sam, this is truly powerful, you have arrived! I feel so much this journey and adventure that Mother Earth has been on. Your words deliver a message of sorrow, but much more than that a message of hope. That there are more people here to create than to destroy and that collectively we are returning to a way of being that will bring peace and plenty and care. Thank you for your beautiful poem to bring us all to the place of knowing and softness. xxx

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Thank you Louise for your kind words. I am so glad that it resonated deeply with you. We are both on a path to help heal Mother Earth - by looking into ourselves, by offering our unique skills to others and by standing tall and shining our light. To another kindred soul. Bless you.

A bit of history about this post…I wrote this piece pre Covid, when there were massive bushfires here in Australia. I felt that there was no end to the fires, the smoke and the pain of all the sentient beings affected by such. And thus this post flowed out - to be shared, to be offered. A prayer/poem/story/saga of hope and healing, of connection and peace, of a new way of being in the world and thus ourselves.

Thank you so much for your support. Much love xxx

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It must have been very difficult to witness that Sam, but here it is giving so much to others, who are experiencing those difficult times. How wonderful xx

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Bless you dear one. Bless you. xxx

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Powerful journey, this poetry of yours. It truly is a heartbreaking love story. Yet it reflects how deep our love is for the ground, mother earth, her cycles, rhythms and ways. When desecrated, I feel desecrated. This is what connection is! So that means when she is respected and venerated. I feel the same way too. Again a powerful journey.

I am currently reading Braiding Sweetgrass. Wow, what a beautiful book. I appreciate the significance of reciprocity more now than ever. This exquisite give and take that benefits all. Not as a transaction but coming back to honoring the earth. An inherent connection that flows.

Thanks Sam, this was exquisite.

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Thank you my dear friend for finding this piece powerful.

What you wrote, I feel exactly the same... any action we do upon the earth we do to ourselves and vise versa. I feel that only when we are TRULY READY to understand that can deep healing take place. Imagine if all the politicians understood this, peace would be the norm... {big sigh!}

I have yet to read Braiding Sweetgrass, thank you for suggesting it.

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thank you, thank you, thank you

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Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am glad it resonated.

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