Christmas Planning - Week 2
The importance of Simplicity during a very busy time of year.
Hello lovely one,
How are you doing today?
Lately I have got caught up in the constant countdown to Christmas.
I turn on my computer and there are countdowns
I walk to the shops and there are countdowns.
And in the countdowns
there seems to be an expectation that I have to do something,
be somewhere,
tick things off my list.
In the countdowns there seems to be an expectation that things will be bought and sales will be looked at
That paper work and emails will be completed and things signed off
That my timing and yours will be in alignment
maybe that will happen
and maybe that won’t…
And maybe instead we will meet in the middle and breathe out…
Today I sought out simple things…
I walked down the beach.
I mended some clothes.
I cooked a meal or two.
I smudged the house.
I did a healing.
I did a little meditation (here is a version of it for you…)
Imagine that you are walking down a beautiful lane
a pathway
towards an even more beautiful destination
you have walked this path before
you have been to this destination beforeToday, what does your pathway look like?
What does it feel like under your bare feet?
Can you feel the air upon your face?
Or hear the birds
or animals around you?
What do you see?
What do you smell?
What can you feel?And as you walk down your path
turn your head to the left and pause as you take in the beauty of this view
breathe it in
let this beautiful view go deep into your cells
When you are ready
slowly turn to the right
and let the landscape
you are seeing to your right be breathed in deep
deep into your cells.
Just pause.
Just pause here at this spot
and let the view from the right and left be deeply felt within you.
And let the timelessness
the exquisiteness of this place enfold you
Pause.and let your senses be held
and feel your heart rate slow
and know your breathing calmsPause.
and pause some more….
Sometimes in life,
one needs to step out of the hustle and bustle
and step into the inner realms
where gentle pathways offer no resistance.
While my local shopping centre is getting busier
and more pop-up stalls are filling the space
while advertisements are getting more colourful
and the sounds are getting louder
I am consciously choosing to live a simpler life
and have a simple Christmas/holiday time.
Create your own decorations - go for a walk in nature and collect things that are symbolic for you. Place them on a table and let that be your Christmas table. Maybe you might have a candle or lovely table cloth or just the objects from nature.
Hand write letters to your friends and loved ones and give these out instead of presents. In your letter write what that person means to you and why you value that relationship/ friendship.
Make and bake and pickle and cook - I find cooking relaxing so I am baking and making lots of things to give as presents. Bottles of homemade tomato sauce, pickles, cakes and biscuits. This simple act for me is also imbued with a sense of homeliness, love and generosity.
Instead of buying something write a Gift Voucher for “A visit to my place” where you might make your friend dinner or just put the kettle on for them and make them afternoon tea.
You may offer to babysit your friends children so your friend can have an hour or so by themselves or with their partner.
Do things for yourself too - Have early nights. Read more books. Go for gentle walks. Get a massage. Nurture yourself.
Go to the shops when it is calmer. Write your list beforehand so you know which shops you would like to go to.
Always say “Thank you” and “Please.”
When you pick up your phone smile before you say hello.
Treat people like you would like to be treated.
Step outside and feel the breeze upon your face.
May you try to let go of the expectations and be as much as you can in the present moment. Step back into the above meditation. Walk down your spiritual path.
And pause.
Maybe it is really simple for you to do the large dinner party.
Maybe it is really simple for you to open your home to friends and family.
Maybe it is really simple for you to say let’s have a picnic in my garden and please bring a plate to share.
Maybe it is really simple for you to just do nothing this holiday time.
What are your personal traditions around this time of year?
Do you celebrate Christmas in the Christian traditional sense or maybe you have your own traditions that come from your own beliefs, life experiences, culture, spirituality…I would love to hear what you do at this time of year.
What are some things you can do to simplify your life in the build up to Christmas and this holiday time?
Can you simplify your activities this year? And if so, what would you change/do?
What can you do to make this time of year simpler for you and your loved ones?
My dear friend,
While there is a countdown to Christmas,
may those days be filled with soft and simple moments,
may they be filled with inspiration and tenderness,
and may there be many beautiful simple things that fill your heart with joy in each of those days ahead.
Until next week
Blessed be,
You may enjoy reading last weeks post….
ps/ Tea Time With Sam will begin again next year. For those of you who are members you can access November’s recording here.
pps/ I will be hosting a healing meditation in early January. This will be a time for reflection on the past year, a time to give peace to the year that was and a time to feel into the energy of 2025. Journal prompts, meditation and profound sharing will be the cornerstone for this workshop. To register your interest you can message me here.
I really love the ideas you wrote here. I’m not a Christmas person but I think to honor those that are. I think these are wonderful ways to honor them in a more meaningful way.
Love this Sam. It is not about the countdown and the destination, but enjoying the journey along the way. That teaching may seem cliche, yet it is so imperative. How else do we actually live life? How else do we enter moments? How else do we take in nature, the breath of life? I can't if I am too full, overloaded, with the counting down, focused on the end. I am with you Sam, being as simple as I possibly can this season. Sending you love!