thank you ,thank you, thank you

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I really love the ideas you wrote here. I’m not a Christmas person but I think to honor those that are. I think these are wonderful ways to honor them in a more meaningful way.

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Thank you for your lovely comments. "To honour them in a more meaningful way" what a beautiful statement...yes! That to me is what gift giving is about...to honour people in a meaningful way. Bless you for this lovely statement. 🙏

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Love this Sam. It is not about the countdown and the destination, but enjoying the journey along the way. That teaching may seem cliche, yet it is so imperative. How else do we actually live life? How else do we enter moments? How else do we take in nature, the breath of life? I can't if I am too full, overloaded, with the counting down, focused on the end. I am with you Sam, being as simple as I possibly can this season. Sending you love!

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This is so perfect Sam, I am really trying to slow down, but am still feeling the pressure of ‘doing’. I have done my shopping though, so will not be venturing to the shops again apart fro for fresh food hopefully! I am longing to melt into sweet stillness and here is my prompt again to do so xx

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Bless you, Louise. I still have a couple of things to organise and yes the food...However SOFT AND SIMPLE is my motto to at the moment. Many blessings to you dear one. x

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