Oh thank you for your kind thoughts. Would you join if the session was recorded so you could hear the chat in a way that resonates, and listen to the meditation at a time that suits you?
To wander and wonder! I love how these two words play so beautifully together. Just change the vowel and you have a new meaning. This duo is makes the perfect dance partnership. Inviting me to step out of my agendas and plans. To open to something that might just be waiting for me, but would be missed if I did not slow down. Like the simpleness of the breath, the magic of bumble bee that you mentioned. Sam, I just simply love this offering! Thank you.
Julie, thank you for coming with me as we wandered and wondered together. Thank you for sharing in the delight of this moment in time. I really appreciate your support and look forward to sharing my offering with you. 🙏
thank you, thank you, thank you
I will be thinking of you 💭 Sam.
I don’t zoom.
Oh thank you for your kind thoughts. Would you join if the session was recorded so you could hear the chat in a way that resonates, and listen to the meditation at a time that suits you?
Ah, that would delight me.
Thank you 🙏!!!!
I just saw that you upgraded your subscription...THANK YOU SO MUCH...Oh how happy that makes me feel. 💖💫🙏
To wander and wonder! I love how these two words play so beautifully together. Just change the vowel and you have a new meaning. This duo is makes the perfect dance partnership. Inviting me to step out of my agendas and plans. To open to something that might just be waiting for me, but would be missed if I did not slow down. Like the simpleness of the breath, the magic of bumble bee that you mentioned. Sam, I just simply love this offering! Thank you.
Julie, thank you for coming with me as we wandered and wondered together. Thank you for sharing in the delight of this moment in time. I really appreciate your support and look forward to sharing my offering with you. 🙏