Thanks, Sam, for this… Funny, before I listened to this meditation, I had just opened the doors and windows. It is early morning right now and we are in a heat wave. So, I want to let all the cool morning air in. Allowing this fresh air to move between these open spaces. Then I turned on your podcast. How synchronistic. An outward movement turning into an inward manifestation.

Sweet to hear your voice again. I feel it has been a while. Nice to clear the mind. I have been dealing with a lot of grief lately around the passing of my dear friend. We just went to the funeral on Tuesday. I have not been putting as much attention into substack this past month, so this is a nice place to return to. Hope you are doing well with the recent passing in your life. It truly is a journey isn’t it? Love to you Sam and many blessings.

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Dearest Julie, Thank you for this lovely letter...Ahhh, synchronicitic ways life presents itself...I am so glad that my meditation offered you some peace, healing and gentleness.

I am finding that I have little to give the Substack world, and at the same time I am finding that by stepping back and doing what I can, I am still able to offer...in a more sustainable way. I feel that my energy is more pure.

Death certainly re-collaborates priorities, needs and wants. And grief certainly is journey where liminal places are walked, crossed and rewalked again, and again, and again.

I wonder if next week or thereafter is a good time to share a cuppa and witness each others journeys? Much love and big hugs 💖

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Oh Sam that would be lovely! Yes lets do that. Will send you a DM. 💖

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