Oh, talk about perfect..I've gotten behind on my Substack reading and was able to read this today, after I happened to post yesterday's archetype of the Companion! 🤗 I LOVE the combo of Companion and Guide. ♥️ As I read your words on perfection, I felt myself making an unconscious mantra of "It's perfect." Breathing it in and out. Whatever it is, whatever I am in this moment, it's perfect. And I love that the etymology of the word has more to do with being complete than flawless. Thank you for this wonder, Sam! It's perfect!

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I love the word "Companion" too, and have been using in my work as well. It feels more balanced and on equal footing. An deeper invitation for mutual exploration.

Regarding perfection...Oh that can be a can of worms, so the saying goes. I have a Virgo moon, and if that means anything I don't know for sure, but I lean towards perfectionism. I tend to strive for ideals that I can barely reach, but still I keep trying. This is really supportive on one level for it is a catalyst for integrity, honesty and fuels the fire of longing. Yet on an other level my standards can be so high they are impossible to reach (especially around creativity) and I can be very hard on myself. And still this is a catalyst too for learning and deepening into self-care, being more tender with myself.

It is a reminder for me that perfection is not a destination to get to, but is found in these precious moments and with the many companions I am in relationship along the way. Thanks Sam!

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Dear Sam, I have come to the realisation that I have held these perceptions of perfection for a long time. I would often find myself saying I'm not a perfectionist.......but. I believe I have been striving for something that doesn't exist in an attempt to feel good enough for so many reasons. The synchronicity of your gift has made me realise that I can accept things the way they are, I can accept me the way I am. I can even love myself gently and kindly. I am always perfect and to sit and rest and allow myself to be healed, whilst supported and guided is my perfection. Thank you so much, in grace and gratitude. Louise x

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