As always, so beautiful, Sam! ♥️ I especially loved your calling attention to Soft. It feels like something I need to hear, to pay attention to and cultivate. Being soft. Experiencing soft. Allowing soft and softly allowing. I'm going to invite more softness into my life. Thank you, friend! 🤗

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This week, when I stopped to listen and feel, I found my heart yearning and answered. Among the beautiful answers, this letter has moved me to tears. Thank you for the invitation to listen to the animal crouched, patient and gentle in my chest. She nestles closer if I hold still.

I walk in the woods where I live everyday with my dog. It snowed yesterday and we ventured into that intimate quiet of snowfall. I prayed to Ogma or Ogmios, one of the gods of writers, who speaks to us in wind and sound--if we but listen. The sweetest bird sang in reply.

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Oh Sam this is soooo gorgeous! The name of your substack is what I believe we all yearn for in the depth of our being. Where we can truly listen to the longings of the soul. Where the heart can show us how to rest in the coherence of love. To truly experience life the way it is meant to be known.

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I love this so much Sam that my body gave a little sigh of relief! Your words provide so much peace and sanctuary for me and allows the gentle releasing of what my heart no longer needs and what it needs to allow in. I am forever grateful. 💫🙏

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