I am so craving stillness at the moment Sam and this is the perfect invitation. I have found myself becoming so restless over the last few weeks as though I cannot settle. I long for that feeling of stillness and this is the doorway that I needed. Thank you. x

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I have truly loved your exploration of your publication name, Sam. Each one invites me into feeling the way I want to feel. I have been consciously cultivating stillness the last few weeks after my constant busyness resulted in insomnia. And it's felt like such a delicious reunion. Your words here on the subject are a beautiful meditation that I will return again and again. Thank you so much!

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Loving this invitation, exploration and surrender into stillness. And so needed for this time, this day and age. I ponder what our world would be like if we all became still. I am reminded of that stillness when the world shut down in the beginning of COVID. The aliveness was palpable. The air cleared, nature responded in amazing ways. I feel if we could all commit to this, the clinging to one polarity over another would find its way to a more peaceful dance. A liminal experience. It does not take much, and it takes everything! Thanks Sam!

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