“When you are drinking tea,
it is basically a private conversation between the tea
and your individual soul.” – Lu Ann Pannunzio
Dearest one,
Let us drink tea together
and let our soul have that private conversation - with ourselves and with each other,
Let us drink tea together
and let our soul find depth in connection - with ourselves and with each other
Let us drink tea together
and let our soul find its own way - with ourselves and with each other
Tea time with Sam is an invitation for you to share a conversation with me around a particular topic…
The theme for this month is FEELINGS
I wrote a post about
FEELINGS last week and I would love to chat more about this with you.
If you have upgraded your membership you already are part of my Tea Time with Sam Community,
if you have yet to
Do consider…
it IS a lovely place
where kindred spirits hold space for each other
and connect
and just come together in a way that invites healing, acceptance and openness.
Sydney, Australia - Saturday 26 Oct 6:30am1
California USA - Friday 25 Oct 12:30 noon
New York USA - Friday 25 Oct 3:30pm
London, UK - Friday 25 Oct 8:30pm
View this timezone calculator to ensure your correct time.
If you are unable to join live, do know that each conversation is recorded for you to listen to at a later day.
Thanks for upgrading your subscription and joining this beautiful community.
A zoom link will be forwarded on Friday.
is a sacred place.
Sacred places are best filled with those we love. Please share this with your family and friends.
Until I pour the tea,
May you have a wonderful week ahead.
Blessed be
Tea time with Sam is held on the last Saturday morning of the month AEDT.
thank you, thank you, thank you