So beautiful Sam. I love as I read this today, to see a similar theme that I spoke on in my notes yesterday about the overwhelm I feel when I hear the question 'how are you?' because of the social conventions we tie to it. This offered me a reminded to also lean into the power of stillness and silence in those moments, so thank you. What I most took from reading this was "the Silent Pause invites the deeper voices" I've had someone in my life who always offered me that pause, and I used to see it as rejection, as ignoring, I've now come to understand how profound it is what he offered me, and that was space to allow what needed to surface, but also time to reflect and integrate so I could understand the experience I was having and come to my own conclusions and realisations. The silent pause to me, means, that you are seen in your own ability to come to your own answers or speak what you need to, without being led there. To offer and be in the sacred pause is empowering.

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Emma, I am so honoured that you took the time to read my post and to fall into the energy and words of it, and that it resonated in a deep and profound way.

I am requoting your own words here - "The silent pause to me, means, that you are seen in your own ability to come to your own answers or speak what you need to, without being led there. To offer and be in the sacred pause is empowering." How profound. How true. How magical. These words are like a sacred spell to weave in our hearts and mind when we need to gently go to walk the next step in our hearts journey. Thank you for sharing these words with us all. 💖 Much love x

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What a lovely and important perspective, Sam. I am blessed to have a sister and a good friend who have both held the silent pause for me — the trick, I find, is asking them to do it. I also am glad to be reminded to be mindful of my instinct to fix things when someone shares a heartache or problem. I will definitely learn to add The Silent Pause to my healing toolkit and pull it out more often.

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Oh Elizabeth! Thank you for sharing this with me, with us.

You mentioned something very important here...to ASK...ahhh, how often we just expect and then be saddened and angry, disappointed or resentful when someone doesn't hold that Silent Pause. TO ASK is so important too.

And I think sometimes that we have to ask ourselves "Do we want ourselves to be SILENT or do we want ourselves to be busy and in fix-it-mode?" What a profound question to ask.

May the Silent Pause be a beautiful tool you use, for yourself first, and then others.

Thank you for sitting with me in this sacred space. 🙏

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This is such a beautiful reminder Sam, I think we are taught to be uncomfortable in silent pauses, but I so often find them the most peaceful space to be in. We are used to filling gaps, but there is so much wonder to be found when we allow the presence of another. Such grace and permission to just be. My guides will often share that when in their circle, one should only speak if you truly have something to say. It's a way of honouring each and every person and their contribution.

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Oh Louise! I resonate with this so much...how we are taught to fill in the spaces...to fill in the spaces in conversations, in our lives, in our hearts, in our minds...and then the filling becomes too much and too much STUFF gets stuffed even more...To be taught that the gaps are important too. To be taught that the gaps are vital and that the gaps invite SPACE and that SPACE invites fresh air and healing and love and the presence of another (human or spirit).

Thank you for sharing your wisdom here. 💖

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I will definitely start being more mindful of this. I’ve been doing it unconsciously since I’m living a quieter life now. People from my old life who rush in to fill silences seem so shocking now!

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What a lovely soft gentle life you are living Elizabeth. It does seem shocking when folk rush in, when they feel they need to fill in the gaps...Honouring and Respecting the Silent Pauses are a new way of being in the world...a way of showing honour and integrity to the persona and situation...the way of Respectful Silence says so much.

May your journey be gentle and empowering and may your "new life" gift you with many exquisite blessings going forward. Thank you for sharing with me here.💖

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Sam, this is yummy... I just finished sitting with someone in this pausing, silent, space. So right now I am deeply in it. Feeling the expanse of it all. Words can be spoken, but they are also not needed.

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Oh how beautiful...."Words can be spoken, but they are also not needed" YES YES YES!!!! How lucky you and your friend are to have each other...to sit in the pausing, the silent, the space and just BE...Much love 💖

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Beautiful pause ❤️

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Thank you...thank you for pausing with me...and for also holding that Sacred Pause in your work too.

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