I am fearful of death. I feel it next to me, wanting to be friends but I am too afraid to take its hand and meet it and greet it.

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YES, YES, YES! Death is what makes life real. Death is what supports me in appreciating the movements the wildness, and the impermanence of our world. Walking with death continually guides me back to the moment. To relish it, to be fully present and to both give and receive. And death is hard and messy. A time to mourn what is gone, to grieve that which will not return. And death is part of a cycle. When it fades, birth naturally arrives. Thanks Sam this was beautiful.

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Oh Julie...my beautiful Death-walker Friend, thank you for your comments. You are so enthusiastic about Death that it makes me smile with LIFE. You are a wonderful beacon of both -the Death and the Life. I am grateful for this friendship. x

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Me too Sam - you are a treasure!

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This came at the perfect time for me Sam. I was on the bus this morning on the way back from the hospital after checking a minor injury to my wrist and I was looking out of the window and I could FEEL death with me. I've felt this before but not as strongly as today, as if I were really about to slip from this world and return, yet, I knew that it wasn't my time to leave, it was my time to live. It's almost as if death came to show me that, although this phase of my life is full of much uncertainty (saturn returns haha), and less movement, it is still life - it is still worth living and experiencing for what it is right now, rather than what is on the other side of this uncertainty - of an exhausting myself to try to get to the other side. What if there's never 'another side', what if it is just all more of a river flowing to an ocean? It also came to remind me, I don't have to loose who I am, even if where I am doesn't feel like the environment or circumstances for that fullest expression and experience, yet. Like your question, "Can we forgo the noise and find the music within?" - death was reminding me that when I can't see it, I can still feel it from the inside and, in my eyes, that's equally as real. This is my real conversation, thank you for sharing this at a moment I needed to reflect on it. <3

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Emma, thank you so much for sharing your heart with me here in this space. What you wrote is so powerful, so vulnerable, so fragile and yet at the same time it feels as though there is a spark within that wishes to "find the music within." May Death open a space within that invites Life to shine its beautiful face deep in your heart.

Saturn Return is such a tricky time. Looking back on mine, it now feels like it was an initiation of sorts. A sense of forgoing what was truth to find the deeper truth, to let the noise go to find the music and stillness within, to look myself in the eyes and say, "Yes, the new path that is opening is actually where my heart feels happier, safer and more hopeful." Yet during this time, oh it was awful!!! My prayer for you is that it becomes softer, simpler and more hopeful for you.

Emma, thank you for letting me sit with you on the bus and for your profound sharing.

In honour of the beautiful music that is Emma.

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