This is lovely ❤️

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Beautiful Sam! It seems like I am doing these meditations randomly. Outside of the week you made them. Which is lovely. Today I needed this one. I loved the retrieving of my energy from the past, from the future. Inviting the earth and sky energies into my body. And blessing this human form, my being, my past and future. What a beautiful wholeness in these words you brought forward as a poetic meditation. You are gift Sam!

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I too think it is “lovely.” Thank you so much for listening and for sinking into the essence and words of the meditations when the time feels right for you.

I loved this one too. It reminded me that when I take my energies from the past and future I am actually more whole and complete in the NOW. In a funny kind of way, it feels like a retreat when I am in the NOW, in this moment in time…life seems simpler and softer. What does it feel like for you? Much love xxx

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It feels like coming home with the fire in the hearth ablaze with warmth.

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Today I put my bed sheets in the washing machine and they got really badly tangled up that I couldn't un-do them, I was tugging on the outside and it wasn't coming un-done. Then I put my hands inside and was able to undo the tangle from inside the sheets. I felt it was life talking to me that I needed to work on un-tangling from the inside of myself and stop pulling so hard at the outside and things will loosen. I felt intuitively guided to your meditation after that to spend some time inside - wow, what a beautiful synchronicity as you spoke on un-ravelling from the past & future inside - exactly what I needed today - thank you as always Sam 💖🌼

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Oh Emma! What a beautiful story to share, what powerful insights to receive and how magical synchronicity is. Thank you for listening to my meditations each week. I do so love it when I see your name pop up. In deep gratitude for YOU. 💖

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Absolutely beautiful. Thank you 🙏🏻

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Bless you Bee. Thank you so much for taking the time to sit with me and share this meditation with me. Until next Sunday eve (when another meditation will be shared), blessed be. 🙏

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