Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
Meditation # 14 - This. Moment. Now.

Meditation # 14 - This. Moment. Now.

Meditations with Sam

Welcome to "Meditations with Sam”
a place where
for this moment in time you can pause,
knowing that someone else is holding sacred space,
just for you.

Dear My Dear Friend,

Sometimes in life we feel as though we are an elastic band being stretched
and stretched
and stretched.

Sometimes in life we feel as though we are an octopus
with 18 legs.

Sometimes in life we live in the past
in the future,

living in the should haves of the yesteryears
or the worries of tomorrow.

This meditation encourages you to bring your awareness to this MOMENT IN TIME.

May the week ahead be gentle on your soul
may it gift you with many Beautiful Things that makes your heart smile
and may this meditation gentle filter into your consciousness when you feel as though you are living too much in the Land of Worry or the Land of Regret.

Until we meet again,

Blessed be.

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Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
"Meditations with Sam" has been created to gift you with a space in the week where you can pause - knowing that for this moment in time someone else is holding space for your heart, for your dreams, for your pain, and for you.
May these podcasts gift you with a deeper sense of mindfulness and stillness.
May they be a place where you can come for self awareness and self love;
and may they gift you with tender moments - tender treasured moments - that you can take away with you and hold tenderly in your heart, in your day, in your life.