This struck such a chord with me Sam, it's such a common thing for those that have been called into service. If we can embrace and allow ourselves to be who we are, we will always find those that we can seek solace with. Their numbers may be small, but the support is always special and mighty. Our relationship with the self is the one we can nurture when we spend time alone. That is a special gift to us and this was a gift to me. Thank you xx

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Oof, I LOVE THIS!!! So raw and real. Us misfits will always find each other although there are long and lonely times too. Like you, I'll take those moments every time because the reward of deep friendship is just GOLD. I vote for a cuppa with Sam every time!! Thank you for sharing your story, I love how vulnerable you are in this piece xxx

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You fit with me, Sam! 🤗♥️ This post really spoke to me. I have a very small circle of friends, too, but they are all very deep and fulfilling relationships. I know everyone is different, but I've just not ever been attracted to superficial friendships. And I'm so glad you brought up the whole idea of what to say when people ask what you do. I've always disliked that question. I wish people would just say, "How do you make money?" if that's what they want to know. I loved the questions you posed at the beginning and end here. "What are you growing in your inner garden?" That's so much more interesting to me than "What do you do?" My new favorite question to ask my friends is: "What are you wrestling with these days?" Thank you for your wonderful wisdom as always, my friend!

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Sam, I am so happy you don't fit into the "norm" And I am so sorry you were taunted those years ago. It is challenging to be authentic when the world around us wants compliance. I love this authentic and real you!

"Beyond the titles

Beyond the labels

beyond the need to change my shape

I am Sam."


And I personally related very much to what you shared here! I was taught at an early age to bend myself, comply and morph into what other's wanted and expected. It has been a life time of untangling these messages to uncover the authentic voice that lies beneath them. And I have. And as much as there always more to reveal, it has become part of the vulnerability that allows me to tap in, reach out, dig deep and connect with life in mystical and magical ways. I wonder, did I need these distorted messages to come to where I am today? Maybe. But I am glad to be what I am. "I am Julie!"

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“Aware but messy” so deeply resonated with this line, thank you Sam 💙

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