Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
Meditation # 20 - Self care - Part 2

Meditation # 20 - Self care - Part 2

Honouring our emotions

In honour of all that we feel
and all that we hold inside.

pink and white cherry blossom
Photo by Eleni Trapp on Unsplash

To honour our emotions invites a deep deep sense of self care

it invites honour and integrity
it invites kindness and compassion
it invites truth and respect
and it invites

This meditation invites you to identify where certain emotions live in your physical body and to allow, released of judgement, all your emotions to rise and fall.


And then, what would happen if, per chance, Love sat with Anger
or Compassion held hands with Depression
or Kindness quietly sat with Frustration

I just wonder
what would happen…

My dear friend,

Sometimes we need extra support in self caring. If you would like a 1-1 healing/mentoring session, please feel free to reach out. I would be honoured to hold sacred space for you.

In honour of ALL that you are
and all the wondrous emotions you hold inside.

Blessed be,

Discussion about this podcast

Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
"Meditations with Sam" has been created to gift you with a space in the week where you can pause - knowing that for this moment in time someone else is holding space for your heart, for your dreams, for your pain, and for you.
May these podcasts gift you with a deeper sense of mindfulness and stillness.
May they be a place where you can come for self awareness and self love;
and may they gift you with tender moments - tender treasured moments - that you can take away with you and hold tenderly in your heart, in your day, in your life.