Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
Meditation # 15 - A place to sit in peace.

Meditation # 15 - A place to sit in peace.

Sometimes in life we just need a place to sit...

Welcome to "Meditations with Sam”
a place where
for this moment in time you can pause,
knowing that someone else is holding sacred space,
just for you.

ps/ This meditation is actually Episode 15.
I unfortunately confused myself and possibly you by saying in the introduction that it is Episode 14. I apologise for any confusion this may cause.

Sometimes in life you need a place to just sit
to sit and be
to sit and know that for this moment in time
you are held in this place of sitting for as long as you need.

Sometimes in life you need a place to come to
where you can do the things you love to do
your creative activities
your quiet activities
your cosy activities

Sometimes in life you need a place to come
that shape-shifts to your form
where you can stretch out
or curl up
where you can sit upright
or lay flat

Sometimes in life you just need a place to sit
where you can slow down
where you can fall asleep
where you can just look out to gentle lights and colours and sounds

Welcome to the Seat in your Heart.

Until we meet again,

Blessed be.

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Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
"Meditations with Sam" has been created to gift you with a space in the week where you can pause - knowing that for this moment in time someone else is holding space for your heart, for your dreams, for your pain, and for you.
May these podcasts gift you with a deeper sense of mindfulness and stillness.
May they be a place where you can come for self awareness and self love;
and may they gift you with tender moments - tender treasured moments - that you can take away with you and hold tenderly in your heart, in your day, in your life.