Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
Meditation # 9 - A relaxing meditation

Meditation # 9 - A relaxing meditation

Meditations with Sam

Welcome to "Meditations with Sam” a place where
for this moment in time you can pause,
knowing that someone else is holding sacred space, just for you.

It is only when we let go
it is only when we shed the old
it is only when the breath can exhale
that the true beauty of who we are begins to open…

My dear friend,

To relax can be difficult at times
particularly when the mind continues
and the worries take over,
particularly when the body feels so tense
and ones nerves feel so stretched,
particularly when the to-do list seems to never end
and one is over-tired and over-stimulated.

I honour the times when life becomes too stressed, anxious and pained
I honour the times when you feel that to relax is a luxury and only for “others”
and I honour the times when you just need help to slow down
to go to sleep
to breathe out

“Episode 9 - A relaxing meditation” has been recorded for you in the hope that you will listen to it over and over again.

May it gift your physical body with a deep sense of relaxation
and inner peace.
May it gift you with a safe place to unwind
and a good night’s sleep.
May it gift you with tenderness
and a deep sense of relaxation.
And may it offer you a safe space to gently let go.

Until we meet again,

Blessed be

If you enjoyed this week’s meditation I’d be delighted if you pressed the ❤️ heart and shared it - whether that’s re-stacking or forwarding this to a friend. It helps more people find me when you do that, and my light gets to spread further afield. Thank you.


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Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
"Meditations with Sam" has been created to gift you with a space in the week where you can pause - knowing that for this moment in time someone else is holding space for your heart, for your dreams, for your pain, and for you.
May these podcasts gift you with a deeper sense of mindfulness and stillness.
May they be a place where you can come for self awareness and self love;
and may they gift you with tender moments - tender treasured moments - that you can take away with you and hold tenderly in your heart, in your day, in your life.