May you invite the Pause into your life
may it gift you with stillness and oneness,
deep healing and inner peace.
disclaimer: it was a very windy night when I recorded this meditation. I do hope that the howling wind did not disturb you too much.
Dearest One,
We are very busy people.
And doing some more.
Running here
running there,
Completing things in a certain timeframe
And Doing some more.
We are very busy people
with conversations to have
and tasks to do
and the never ending list to complete.
We are very busy people.
And yet
we need time to be still.
Join me dear one
and let us pause together
Let us be a bird whose wide wings
appreciate the sunshine
Let us be a cat,
curled in front of a fire
Let us be a dog,
sleeping, resting, gently breathing.
Let us pause my dear friend.
Let us pause together.
Thoughts to ponder:
What happens when you go though the day without pausing? How does that make you feel? What happens to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies?
What happens to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies when you give yourself time to pause? How does that make you feel?
What can you do in your day to day life that invites the Pause to be welcomed and greeted and appreciated?
Thanks for sharing. Your sharing becomes wisdom for others.
Until we meet again,
In the land where Pausing is encouraged and welcomed.
Blessed be,
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