I will hold that sacred space for you
Sometimes in life,
we reach so high
that the stars are singing
in praise for our achievements.
Sometimes in life,
we feel that we have fallen
and the beautiful song that was sung
feels like a sad lost dream.
Sometimes in life,
we achieve so easily
so simply
what we set out to do.
Sometimes in life,
the act of achieving
is filled with anxiety,
and empty lost dreams.
Sometimes in life
we are ever so mindful
of taking things slowly,
Sometimes in life
we are so busy
so frantic
so terribly
out of balance.
Sometimes in life
we feel connected
to something Higher,
something beyond us.
Sometimes in life
we feel disconnected
Sometimes in life
everything flows
and flows
Sometimes in life,
we feel fragmented
and broken.
Sometimes in life
we feel grounded
and strong,
Sometimes in life
we feel weak
and sick.
Sometimes in life
we have all the support we need,
and want.
Sometimes in life
our walk is lonely
just by ourselves.
Sometimes in life,
we just want to go home
Hi! My name is Sam.
While titles may be needed for some,
I am Sam.
Yes, I am a Shamanic Practitioner, an Earth based healer, a Spiritual Mentor, a Teacher
I am a bard.
I am a healer.
I am a curator of sacred healing.
I am a guide for the liminal thresholds of life.
I am a Gardner and Story teller of the Soul.
I weave earth based wisdom with your own inner wisdom
to create a gentle and profound space
for you to heal and grow,
forgive and learn,
laugh and cry,
feel and feel safe,
and ultimately come home,
to the innate wisdom that lives within.
Let me hold sacred space for you
as you move beyond the boundaries of your mind to meet the wisdom of your heart,
as you care-take your inner landscape through meditation, journeying and earth based wisdom,
as you clear your inner garden of the noxious and overgrown weeds that have suffocated and overtaken you,
as you befriend the once feared Dragons of Fear, Love, Shame, Grief and Anger,
as you gently and compassionately explore the once thorny and/or barren landscapes within, tending them with the Gardeners tools of Compassion, Love and Tears,
as you reweave you hearts baskets that fragmented because of trauma, soul loss and dis-ease.
I will
create sacred space for you
where the deeper truths of your heart and soul can be acknowledged,
where the unspoken can be spoken
where the once feared can be befriended.walk with you
through the different cycles of your life,
holding that liminal space where death, rebirth and life can dance and merge.invite you to
feel inspired to re-write your own story
by honouring all that has come to pass,
and by welcoming all that is present now.help you to connect
to the Spirits of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
in a way that merges these elemental forces
with your every day life.create a safe space for you
to connect to your ancestors,
learning the ancient wisdom of your lineage
and understanding how you can use that wisdom
to heal the past
and reclaim the future.create a place for you
to become empowered
as you deeply heal the inbalances in your body
that have come about because of old patterns,
traumas and dis-ease.
My unique skills
invite you to safely and freely explore
the depth and beauty of who you are.
Through shamanic and earth based wisdom,
through soul retrieval and spiritual mentoring
through spiritual counsel and sacred storytelling,
I will be your guide for as long as you need
walking with you
guiding you
supporting you
as you remember
Sam’s compassion and ability have been two curved sides of a shell offering me support and shelter while I explore the space inside.
Jane - Perth
Sam is one of the most powerful healers I’ve ever met… I consider her to be one of the purest Souls that walks this earth. If you are looking for deep transformation and want to work with a pure and powerful facilitator, I cannot recommend Sam highly enough
Hannah-Gold Coast
I came to Sam’s website after reading about shamanic healing and soul retrieval in a book, I felt strongly drawn to this healing. I am so glad that I was brave enough to connect with her. Sam is wonderful, she makes the space feel very safe and calm. The healings are gentle yet powerful, moving grief & sorrow gently into the light to be released. I feel blessed to have found her.
Molly - Sydney
My dear friend,
Let me hold that sacred space for you
So that you can come home,
home to the innate wisdom that lives deep within
Until we meet in that exquisite space where deep healing resides,
Blessed be.
My name is Sam. I am a Healer - a Gardener and Storyteller of the Soul. I weave earth based wisdom into simple living and self healing, for you now, and for the 7th generation to come. Welcome to my little corner of the world.
If you wish to find out more about Soft. Simple. Still you can visit this post.
My weekly meditations can be found here.