Welcome to Meditations with Sam
A weekly meditation podcast that has been created to gift you with a space in the week where you can pause, knowing that for this moment in time you someone else is holding space for your heart, your dreams, your hopes and just for you.
A special welcome to you if you are new here.
If you regularly share sacred space with me, know that I have already lit the candle.
Happy Sunday evening to you my dear and welcome to my meditation circle.
Tonights meditation connects you to the Ocean and the Earth,
To an ancient deep still rock
and the vast expanse of the ocean,
To the stillness of the rock,
and a drop in the vast ocean,
And to the stillness of your own being
and at the same time,
to the expanse of your own energy.
This healing meditation invites you to look close
and also to look beyond
It invites healing
as it invites connection
it invites oneness
and it invites depth.
What messages did you receive?
What did the Rock share with you?
What did the Ocean say to you?
What does it feel like to wear a Cape of Ocean and Earth?
Please feel free to share.
Until we meet again,
Where the Ocean and Earth join.
Blessed be,
My name is Sam. I am a Healer - a Gardener and Storyteller of the Soul. I weave earth based wisdom into simple living and self healing, for you now, and for the 7th generation to come. Welcome to my little corner of the world.
If you wish to find out more about my healing work feel free to browse my website.
If you wish to know more about Soft. Simple. Still or Meditations with Sam do come along and visit me here.
I believe meditations and healing words should be available to everyone irrelevant of ones finances. Your financial patronage allows this to be so. Please consider upgrading your subscription so that more meditations can be recorded free.
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