Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
Meditation # 10 - When your mind becomes too busy

Meditation # 10 - When your mind becomes too busy

Meditations with Sam - A healing mediation podcast

Welcome to "Meditations with Sam” a place where
for this moment in time you can pause,
knowing that someone else is holding sacred space, just for you.

When your mind is too busy
and the stresses of life become too much,
When you feel as though your thoughts are trying to take over
and the pressure is painful and real,
May this meditation gift you with another way of being in the world
A softer, gentler way.
May this meditation soothe your mind
and help you to create a calmer, safer place within.

My dear friend,

The mind can be our greatest friend or our worst enemy.
Sometimes our mind ticks over and over with old tape recorders
old thoughts and belief systems
Sometimes our mind reminds us of the many lists we have still to do
or the many worries that tumble around inside of us.

May this meditation gift you with a deep sense of stillness, calmness and serenity
May it help soothe you and calm you
And may it gift your mind with something beautiful,
something fresh
and something exquisite.

In honour of your journey
and all the sacred things you do to create inner peace.

Blessed be,

Thank you for listening to “Meditations with Sam” a sub-section of “Soft. Simple. Still.” All my meditations and writings are free. Thank you for sharing them with your community. Please do consider upgrading your subscription. Your support says to me that you value the time and energy that is required to record these meditations for you.


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Soft. Simple. Still.
Meditations with Sam
"Meditations with Sam" has been created to gift you with a space in the week where you can pause - knowing that for this moment in time someone else is holding space for your heart, for your dreams, for your pain, and for you.
May these podcasts gift you with a deeper sense of mindfulness and stillness.
May they be a place where you can come for self awareness and self love;
and may they gift you with tender moments - tender treasured moments - that you can take away with you and hold tenderly in your heart, in your day, in your life.